Excerpt of a talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Original talk:
Excerpt highlighted by the US 21 meditation days (Day9). ST: Anaïc Lelouet.
As I am today talking about only on the left, I would say that to feel miserable for nothing at all is also wrong, is being unjust to yourself. The people who are left sided must know that they are the Spirit, that they are that beauty which has to come, which has to express itself. That they are not the people who have to suffer all the time and to live like miserable people. They are not.
But once the Spirit is awakened within you, you become so strong, you become so joyous, so spontaneous that all these things drop out, all those things, so-called diseases, so-called habits, just drop out and you become a new, blooming personality. Now the basics of having this center within you – you can blame God for that, “Why did He give us these centers on the left hand side, what was the need? He should not have given these left sided ones, so we would have been just in the center to go.” But the trouble is, the human beings have to know in their own freedom, how to deal with themselves. They have to learn little hard way the wisdom. They have to know by going to extremes they have suffered. They have to realize it because if they have to become truly, absolutely free they have to rise in their wisdom. If they’re not wise people, then they cannot enter into the Kingdom of God because they’ll be abandoned people.
So what we should ask for is nothing but our Spirit. And if you ask for your Spirit, it is your own and you have to get it, it is in your own right that you’re going to get it. Is no way that I’m obliging you or doing something special for you, it’s all there. You are like a light which is just to be enlightened because I’m an enlightened light and you become an enlightened light, you can enlighten other lights also. It’s very simple. If you become an enlightened light, you can enlighten others. You don’t have to bother about anything else then. You become an enlightened light yourself, that’s the point. It is all there, it is all your own, you have to just have it. It is as simple as that.
How much do we pay our nose to breathe? Can we pay for it? It’s absurd, it’s ridiculous. Can we pay for it? We cannot, it’s a living process, we have to become, an egg has to become a chick. Now how much do you pay an egg to become a chick? Or how much does the egg pay to the mother for becoming a chicken? It’s that ridiculous, but we never understand that living things are so spontaneous. We never see living things, we live with matter, we live with the dead, not with the living things. If you start watching a tree, you start watching a flower, how it becomes a fruit. You can’t even watch because it does it so slowly, you can’t even watch a flower becoming a fruit. Suddenly you find all coming up. Like when I came to London from India I found all the trees were bare, absolutely like dry sticks, absolutely like dry sticks. Within a week, what I find is the green coming up; and within second week it was all lush, you can’t believe it. We never even notice, we take it for granted, it’s happening. [...] Who organizes all that? And this is what one has to realize and that is the All -pervading Power of God that does all the living work. And once you become that – the Spirit – then this power starts flowing through you. You feel the power through you as Christ was touched and He said some power has gone to someone, like that. You just become a medium of that power flowing. But you are empowered to manoeuvre it, to manage it, to understand it. You know completely about it, you know how to give it, you know to how to work it out, you know how to cure others, cure yourself. You know the complete working of your machinery. Apart from that, you get the powers to overcome all the problems of your own machinery also. It’s so fantastic, whole thing sounds very fantastic because we have never seen this before. But to us it doesn’t sound fantastic when we see all these flowers suddenly turning into fruits. It doesn’t sound. But we see human beings turning into fruits, then it sounds very fantastic, “How can that be?” It has never happened before. Only one person would get realization and it was such a difficult thing and nobody got it. How is it today? I say, it’s the blossom time, which is been promised, which is been already prophesized. Even a great poet in your country, William Blake, has prophesized it.
In the same way you are that, you are that. Just it is to be connected. Whatever may be your caste, community, race, nationality, shapes, heights – anything whatever you may be, makes no difference because all of you have got this great thing within you, this power of a rebirth and you are to be born again, and you will be born again. Why not today?
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