Why YouTubers Hold Microphones Now

Get Nebula using my link for 40% off an annual subscription: Watch my Nebula-exclusive class “How To Research Like a PhD Student“: A video about the rise of YouTubers holding microphones, and what this can tell us about the future of the platform. Written, directed and presented by Tom Nicholas. Edited by Georgia Burrows. *Chapters* 00:00 YouTubers All Hold Microphones Now 05:49 I, YouTuber 15:27 PragerU and the Politics of Style 26:54 Casey Neistat and the Rise of Internet Ugly 36:39 Why YouTubers Hold Microphones Now 56:33 Epilogue *Bibliography* You can find a bibliography for this video on my Patreon, here: Over the past year, a new trend has been sweeping YouTube: holding microphones. On one level, this might seem like a fairly silly little trend; but it can actually tell
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