NNIIRT Nebo-M 55ZH6M - Air Surveillance Radars Complex

Support / Поддержка: Donationalerts - Paypal - Teespring Store - Webmoney USD - Z789416365352 Webmoney EUR - E518067593070 Webmoney RU - R788497986526 NNIDAR has in recent years expanded their product range. In the summer of 2017, the Nebo-M 55ZH6M (export version Nebo-ME 55ZH6ME) complex entered service with the troops of the Central Military District. The complex consists of three modules. The Nebo-M is a 3D radar system that features a programmable multi-band design. The radar complex is made up of a central data fusion, a command post module and three radars which are deployed on separate 8x8 24-ton trucks. 55Zh6ME Nebo-M RLM-ME is the VHF-Radar component of this radar system (in cyrillic: 55Ж6МЕ «Небо-МЕ») Nebo-M RLM-ME is a 3-D acquisition radar. It is the successor to the 1L13 Nebo “Box Spring” and is easy to distinguish from it since the direction of polarizatio
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