Настя Годунова - “YOUR FATE“ (премьера клипа, 2022)
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Настя в ВК -
Волшебная песня о той самой хрупкой любви. Мне максимально хотелось показать, насколько сильно чувство любви может воодушевить и наполнить человека разными прекрасными чувствами 🥺
Вы можете скачать песню по ссылке:
You can download the song from the link:
Many thanks:
Composer and arranger - Van Gor
Video and production - Van Gor
Lyrics by - Nastia Godunova
Соц. сети артиста:
CONTACTS: ▶Director 7(916)195-77-93 Елена (WhatsApp,)
Текст песни:
[Verse 1]
I’m so sad.
Looking so bad always.
Standing on the road with bag in my hand,
A million rays pierce through the clouds,
Melody in my mind:
“I wanna be with you, leave the sadness,
Take my hand
I’m only yours.
[Bridge]/ [Pre-Chorus]
I can feel a sign to be with you.
Never let you fall in this again.
Fireflies will show the way,
It will be your fate.
I can hear the screams inside my head.
[Verse 2]
You’re far away,
I wanna say, love you
Fill of the gaps from part that you left, faster.
A hundred ways to show you how,
Love can be in your soul.
I wanna be with you, leave the sadness, take my hand.
I’m only yours
[Bridge]/ [Pre-Chorus]
I can feel a sign to be with you.
Never let you fall in this again.
Fireflies will show the way,
It will be your fate.
I can hear the screams inside my head.