China’s Remarkable Rise In The Last 30 Years.“

#china #chinanews #chinapoverty China has undergone a remarkable transformation in the last 30 years. From a country struggling with poverty and political isolation, it has become a global economic powerhouse and a major player in international affairs. This is a story of China’s achievements in the last 30 years. In the late 1970s, China was a country still reeling from the effects of the Cultural Revolution. Its economy was stagnant, and its people were impoverished. However, in 1978, China embarked on a new path with the introduction of economic reforms by Deng Xiaoping. These reforms aimed to modernize the economy, attract foreign investment, and increase China’s global competitiveness. One of the first steps was the establishment of Special Economic Zones (SEZs), where foreign companies could invest and operate with fewer restrictions. These zones were successful in attracting foreign investment, and soon, other regions of China began to emulate their success. Over the
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