Face Weighted Normals - FWN in Blender 2.8 - Switch to Blender

Today we are looking at Face Weighted Normals. Used in modern AAA Games and mainly popularized by Star Citizen FWN are a great way of getting smooth looking edges. Blender 2.8 offers multiple ways of working with Normals and FWN as well as partly or fully procedural and generated ways. Enjoy and don’t forget to comment and ask questions. Most (and more) of the shortcuts mentioned in the video: ------------------------------------------------------- Important Blender 2.8 Shortcuts: Shift A to add new mesh or object Ctrl J to join objects 1, 2, 3 selection type (3D view) 1, 2, 3, 4 selection type (2D/UV view) Left / Right mouse - Select Shift adds to the selection Ctrl makes a path to selected Ctrl L selects all connected E - Extrude I - Inset Ctrl B - Bevel G - Move R - Rotate S - Scale F - Fill x - delete menu Y - Split K - Knife Alt M - merge G G - Edge Slide Shift D - Duplicate selected H to hide selection, Alt H to unhide U for Unwrap menu W - context menus like UV context or edit contex
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