TESUP AtlasX Wind Turbine Installation Video

* Easy installation * Shark shaped blades, perfect for low wind speed zones * 750 W power generation * Best winning on compare Low vibration and low noise 750 W vertical axis wind generator. With its compact shape, it has the lowest starting wind speed and a larger wind catchment area, enabling it to generate electricity at lower wind speeds. It’s aluminium body is perfect for heating and the cooling effect of stator. Quieter wind turbine blades with an improved re-engineered design. By help of TESUP’s experience in fabrication of aluminium, the rotor blades are very durable and stable, at the same time very light. The generator body is equipped with cooling fins and consists of aluminium. The maintenance-free sliding contact (free from charcoal) guarantees a good current flow and thereby no twisting of the cable in the pole. This TESUP wind turbine has a permanent magnet generator having strong N42 neodymium magnets with steel slots inside. When the wind speed is over 3 m/s, the turbine will
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