第12課__學畫牡丹_如何畫牡丹花?_Lesson 12_How to paint peonies?_有字幕 (subtitled)

课程内容 : 牡丹花头调色笔法-叶子细讲 Course Content : Peony Head Color Mixing Brushwork-Leaf Detail 如果喜歡本頻道的中國畫課程,歡迎訂閱、點贊、轉發、打賞支持,這是我更新課程的動力與快樂源泉,希望與大家,交流分享畫畫的樂趣,共同進步! If you like the Chinese painting course of this channel, welcome to subscribe, like, forward, reward support, which is my motivation to update the course and the source of happiness, I hope to communicate with you, share the joy of painting, and make progress together! #中国水墨山水画教学 #如何画竹子?#Howtodrawbamboo #ChineseInkLandscapePainting #Chinesepainting #中国画 #中国书法 #没骨画 #牡丹花 #牡丹 #Gongbi #Chineseart #Birld-and-flowerpainting #Inkwashpainting #FreehandBrushWork #Brushwork #Inkstick #LandscapePainting #guidedpaintingforbeginners #牡丹畫 #牡丹 #中國畫 #书法 #書法 #如何畫牡丹花?#學畫牡丹#subtitled #Peony Painting Skills Improvement Course #How to paint peonies?
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