Jemi||Whenever you remember us

WATCH IT IN HD:)) tuesday it’s jemi day:):)last year I made this video,to explain my jemi love(watch if u didn’t): So,this year I wanted to show the fact that that Joe and Demi was really and I still have hope in jemi:)and I miss this 2 so much:) they are my truly inspiration:) I also read an article in these last days that “jemi“ happened just to promote the movie camp rock truly don’t believe that!!!!come on after these can u say a thing like that???? This video is dedicated to Wewantjemi and to all my jemi friends:))) please send to @ddlovato,@joejonas,@jonasbrothers!!!! Song:whenever you remember-carrie underwood(pitched) couple:Joe jonas and demi lovato edited by:silvia lnj4ever, x
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