The Decameron Audiobook

The Decameron audiobook. The stories, which were published in the 16th century, are known as “The Decameron“ as they were written by Boccaccio in the style of the Decameron. The book is a tale of two women who found refuge in a secluded villa in North Italy during the Black Death, when the plague was rampant and their lives were threatened. The Decameron was first published in the year 1348, but it was not until 1354 that it was translated into Latin. The Decameron is a tale of love and death. From the romantic to the tragic, from the tragic to the romantic, the romance of The Decameron is always compelling and memorable. The book is packed full of jokes, anecdotes, and funny stories that make you laugh. It is a fascinating document of life at the time and is one of the most important documents in English literature. It is considered to be one of the most important works of Italian prose ever written. 0:00:06 002 - Day 1, The First Story 0:35:47 003 - Day 1, The Second Story 0:47:58 00
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