Foreclosed - Gameplay Interview | Summer of Gaming 2020

Foreclosed is a narrative cyberpunk action adventure game that turns players loose in a bleak yet vividly colorful corporate urban wasteland inspired by the gunplay of Max Payne and the art of Moebius, as well as Frank Miller and Geoff Darrow’s Hard Boiled graphic novel. Developers Andrea Tabacco and Lara Gianotti walk us through this Foreclosed gameplay trailer that introduces audiences to their beautiful, fully-playable cyberpunk comic book game that, amazingly, has no loading screens. The developers also used a Foreclosed gameplay video to talk to IGN a lot about the combat mechanics, where players have the ability to modify both their symbiotic pistol as well as their superhero-like abilities which are provided by the character’s brain implant. Be sure to stay tuned to IGN for more Foreclosed game trailers and information on the Foreclosed game. Thanks for checking out IGN’s Summer of Gaming! Be sure to stay tuned to SoG as our team shares hands-on demos, gameplay previews (including Xbox Series X ga
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