Owner FORGOT to pay their TAXES and the city FORECLOSED on the home

Use my link to get up to 30% off through April 1st. Video sponsored by Ridge. I saw this house with a big blue sign posted on the front door that said it was being put up for auction due to tax foreclosure. I spoke with the next door neighbor and she told me that it’s been vacant for a while after the homeowner passed away. 2 families have been fighting over who gets the home and neither of them bothered to pay the taxes. Well, now neither get the home so I thought I could at least clean the yard up to make it look better for the neighborhood. ▶ Help support my work by picking up some merch - ------------------------------------------------ ▶ Checkout my pressure washing channel - ------------------------------------------------ ▶ Checkout my handheld equipment here - ------------------------------------------------ ▶ Go
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