Hello everyone! Welcome to my channel.
Today I’m going to show you how to make original and bright necklace.
The beading technique in which this necklace is made is very simple and even beginners can easily handle it.
For making this necklace I used:
1. Beads
**Preciosa seed beads, size 10/0**
- colour 38040 blue;
- colour 18181 gold ([=sr_1_23?crid=2NZXXBIRAI8SS&keywords=Preciosa solgel&qid=1680364013&sprefix=preciosa solgel,aps,208&sr=8-23](=sr_1_23?crid=2NZXXBIRAI8SS&keywords=Preciosa solgel&qid=1680364013&sprefix=preciosa solgel,aps,208&sr=8-23));
- colour 33119/17177 pink;
- colour 46205 white;
****“John Beads” Czech seed beads, size 6/0****
- colour “lemon drop”;
- colour white;
**Bugle beads**
- white bugle beads ([
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2 years ago 00:12:51 1
Нереально Красивые бантики своими руками #Beebeecraft/DIY arcos faça você mesmo