Presantation: Valerij Ledenev (Garage MCA)
Queering the Art Archive: the Case of Garage Museum
(NO) Future institution
December 15-17 2020, Istanbul
The international seminar focuses on the paradoxical situation cultural institutions face in the modern day. Alongside the Coronavirus pandemic, political, economic, and ecological challenges push changes within institutions to re-define themselves in the complexities of today’s societies. For instance, the digitalization of museums, that has been discussed for more than twenty years, happened in a single month, not only in advanced experimental institutions, but in more traditional ones as well, thus provoking the thought that the future of the museum has already arrived. Similarly, the dynamic turbulence of the pandemic, together with rapidly changing political climate radically revitalises the conception of ‘future’ within cultural institutions: is future in conventional understanding possible without the prospect of long term planning?
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