Remote sensing and field activities for northernArabia paleo-environments - Romolo Loreto

“Remote sensing and field activities for the depiction of northern Arabia paleo-environments. The case of the Saudi al-Jawf region and the ancient Adummatu“ Dr. Romolo Loreto Università degli studi di Napoli L’Orientale – Dipartimento Asia Africa e Mediterraneo 15th June 2022 (Sydney) (Abu Dhabi, Muscat) CET (Brussels, Rome, Paris, Berlin) (London) (New York) This paper intents to introduce some of the most recent data addressed to the definition of paleo-environments related to the Holocene of al-Jawf and the paleo-economy of the city-oasis of Adummatu. “L’Orientale“ has been carrying out archaeological research in the al-Jawf region since 2009. The common thread was indeed the definition of those paleo-climate processes and geomorphological features that contribute to explain the wider regional morphostructures characterised by dense prehistoric evidence and the consequent emergence o
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