「四季调料」山葵——唤醒食物最初的美味 【滇西小哥】

四季调料系列(六):山葵 高黎贡山脚下的山葵,味道鲜明浓烈,叶子清脆爽口,全身都是宝。叶子腌成酸菜,根茎磨成泥,淡淡的香味和恰到好处的辛辣感,在口腔里碰撞,让人觉得有点“冲”,但意外的会有点上瘾。趁着阿哥家有新鲜的火烧肉,用现磨山葵做个蘸水,做个山珍刺身和几道小吃,和家人一起吃顿清清凉凉的晚饭。 ※Click “cc“ on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. Spices of Four Seasons (VI): Wasabi Wasabi under Gaoligong Mountain have strong and outstanding tastes. The leaves are very refreshing and crunchy. All parts of these plants are valuable. The leaves can be made into pickles. The roots and stems can be grounded into paste, which gives out a slight fragrance with just the right level of spiciness. Though it has a sharp taste, it is very overwhelming and addictive. Since there’s newly burnt pork available, I grounded some wasabi to make a dipping sauce. I also made some fungi sashimi and some snacks. It’s good to enjoy a refreshing dinner together with my family. 大家好!我是滇西小哥,一个地道的云南妹子,如果
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