“Fantasy,“ taken from “Some Things Aren’t Forever, But For A Reason: Vol. 1“ available .
Produced/Engineered by Jack C Daniels @ Sicktones Studio
Additional engineering by Kenton Smith
Mixed/Mastered by George Lever
Directed and edited by Nickolas Erickson
Never blessed
with a gracious metamorphosis-
My transformation never-ending
breaking cartilage in an attempt
to break free from my chrysalis
dressing, tending
Don’t expect me
to not compare myself
to those who fly
without fear of misdirection
When you won’t avert
those clairvoyant eyes,
Seeking the parts I lack
in the wake of imperfection
Fulfilling needs
fed from the hand of fantasy
Fuck that,
and fuck them, too.
What did you see in me?
Will yo