Vali Boghean Band - Galbenă gutuie (cover de Nica Zaharia, text de Adrian Paunescu)

Subscribe 🎧 Vali Boghean official 👉 Booking/management: Tel.: 373 69 354 635 Mail: valibogheanband@ Facebook: Chisinau, Palatul National Valeriu Cascaval - tambal Oleg Lascu - contrabas Gary Tverdohleb -- tobe Petru Moiseev - percutie Alexandru Daraban -- chitara Gheorghe Postoronca -- chitara bas Valentin Schirca - clape Serghei Ivanov -- pian Vasile Olaru -- back vocal Nicoleta Sava -- back vocal Liviu Argint -- back vocal Vali Boghean online: Toate drepturile sunt rezervate. Orice upload neautorizat al acestui videoclip este ilegal si poate fi raportat oricand la Youtube. All... rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please do not upload this video on your channel.
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