Algeria Returns To Normal (1960)

Unissued / Unused material. Algiers returns to normal after the rebellion. MS crowds massed in a square in Algiers. MS banner “Algerie Francaise“. Various shots of dense crowds and rebel leaders who are addressing the crowds from a balcony. CU radio set. Various shots of people watching General Charles de Gaulle on television set. Various shots of fruit and vegetable market of Algiers with Muslims and Europeans walking about and buying vegetables. Various shots of food lorries passing modern flats as they enter Algiers. Exterior MS butcher’s shop. Interior MS shop full of customers. Ext...erior MS baker’s, and grocer’s shops. Various shots of people in streets. Various shots of people putting coins in collection boxes, all Europeans. Exterior MS large building, pan across street to the closed cafe that belonged to Ortiz. Various shots of boarded up cafe “Le Forum“. Various street scenes in Algiers, good traffic scenes. High angle MS square with several army lorries parked, pan to line of troops and
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