[MMD]-{UNDERLAW} Lat Newcomer/Featuring Dead Master
6/23/11 I, my group, along with a couple of valuable famous friends are asking all of the people who are responsible for this model’s illegal parts for permission to distribute TO THE PUBLIC. Progress is 78 Percent In.
I was suprised this motion was re-distributed, I didn’t think it would be, ever.
Yes I have Permission.
If you want this model, it must be recieved by a PM due to the model being an {UNDERLAW}. You are also warned to use this model with extreme caution.
I cannot re-distribute {UNDERLAW} LAT Models, I can only send privately. Lat Dead Master and BRS derive from Anomaro models.
Also, their alter ego’s are {UNDERLAWS} as well, so the same rule applies.
11 years ago 00:06:01 14
[MMD]-{UNDERLAW} Lat Newcomer/Featuring Dead Master