Waterford Elections (1914-1918)

Waterford elections. Waterford in Ireland. Elections. Irish election in the town of Waterford; c. 1910s ? Irish Nationalism. Crowd in street; with several children in FG looking at camera; stone building in BG. Next; an open coach stopped in the crowd; in it 2 men wearing bowler hats and one woman. Cool shot of a crowd; working class; including many women; cheering and waving flags (with stripes) as a man wearing an Army uniform steps in front of them; back to camera. He is joined by candidate (? -one of the men sitting in coach earlier). He is carrying his hat. CU these 2 men; with crowd swarming about them; pushing in a friendly way. Finally; DS crowd in street; still very enthusiastic; on a slightly raised porch are a several people - lots of men in suits - political leaders? Some are squeezing down into the crowd. Some men waving or tossing their caps. People waving; excitement; celebration. (Note written on the film mentions John Redmond; a politician of the Irish Nationalist Party; and a
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