Automated Robotic Dross Skimming and ingot loading, courtesy of APT Manufacturing Solutions

Automated Dross Skimming FANUC’s Authorized System Integrator APT has designed, built and programmed a robotic system with a FANUC R-2000iC/210L six-axis robot to dross skim two furnaces. In addition to the dross skimming operation, the robot uses an automatic tool changer with different end of arm tools (EOAT) to perform wall scraping, sampling operations, and ingot depositing into the furnaces. After the ingots are loaded into the furnaces and melted down, impurities collect on the surface of the molten metal. The dross skimming operation removes the impurities, followed by a wall scrape operation to remove impurities built up on the furnace walls. A special aluminum-coated Kevlar suit protects the robot from the hot environment. The R2000iC/210L robot can reach both furnaces while being positioned in a central location. Using an automatic tool changer and a tool stand the robot can change the tools needed based on the operation. The robot is set up to perform required tasks according to a schedule u
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