cancão do mar ~ dulce pontes

cancão do mar-Dulce Pontes from Lagrimas Lyrics (Portuguese) Fui bailar no meu batel Além do mar cruel E o mar bramindo Diz que eu fui roubar A luz sem par Do teu olhar tão lindo Vem saber se o mar terá razão Vem cá ver bailar meu coração Se eu bailar no meu batel Não vou ao mar cruel E nem lhe digo aonde eu fui cantar Sorrir, bailar, viver, Lyrics (English) I was going to dance on my little boat There in the cruel sea And the sea was roaring to me Telling me that I should steal The incomparable light Of your beautiful eyes Come and prove the sea right Come here and see my heart dancing If I go dancing on my little boat I won’t go to the cruel sea Nor will I tell where I went to Smile, dance, live, dream... with you Lyrics (Greek) Βγήκα να χορέψω με τη
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