Enterprise Scotland Exhibition (1947)

Unissued / unused footage - dates and locations may be unknown or unclear. Cuts from newsreel 47/70 - Scotland holds an exhibition of Scottish made goods. C/U of Scottish flag flying. Man paints sign reading ’1947’. Workmen paint the exterior of the exhibition hall. Officials and dignitaries arrive for the opening of the exhibition. The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester (Prince Henry and Princess Alice) arrive and are greeted. Shot of spectators being controlled by police. C/U of the Royal standard flying from the Gloucesters’ car. The royals come back out of the exhibition. M/S of a corner of Princes Street showing castle on the hill. General view of Princes Street at a busy time of day. M/S the castle panning to Princes Street with Sir Walter Scott monument seen at the end of the street. M/S of an overhead street lamp with a basket of flowers hanging from it. Shot of the steps from Princes Street to the gardens. Among the people going up and down are two women pushing a pram. C/U of
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