Minor Blues Backing Track

You can buy this backing track here: This piano-based 12-bar minor blues backing track in the key A minor will help you practice your phrasing and time-feel as it forces you to slow down and play in the pocket. This track also features electric bass and live drums. The tempo is 61 bpm and the chord progression is as follows: Am7 - - - - Dm7 - - Am7 - - Em7 - Dm7 - Am7,Dm7,Am7,E7 ------------------------ Blues is easy to learn, but more difficult to master. If you want to go to that higher level where you are able to improvise freely in a blues jam situation, I have advanced guitar courses for you here at: You need the right scales that actually work on blues so you get better as quickly as possible. If you search up online on how to learn blues guitar improvisation, most guitar teachers will either teach you the major
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