Edgar Sanders Comes Home Aka Sandons (1953)

Croydon, Surrey. SV. Plane taxing (title super over). LV. Sanders and wife with daughters leaving plane on his return from Hungarian jail. BV. Party walking into reception. CU. Mrs Sanders walking into reception. LV. Edgar Sanders with family. CU. Sanders kissing family. SV. Sanders walking away from family for interview. LV. Sanders in exclusive interview with Daily Herald man Gilbert Carter. CU. Interview. Q: How about your time in prison, you were in solitary confinement most of the time I believe. A: That’s right the whole time. Q: You never heard or saw any of your fellow prisoners? A: I only heard one who was in the cell next door but one to me I recognised him by his footsteps. CU Sanders smoking. Q: Mr Vogler mentioned in a book he wrote Mr Sanders, about the cold water treatment. Did you ever experience that? A: No I don’t know what cold water treatment is because I haven’t heard about the cold water treatment. I was put into a cell with a stool pigeon during the interrogation and he was talking
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