【二米炊烟】Roasted Whole Lamb For Chinese New Year 烤一隻山羊,喜氣洋洋過新年

#最远的团聚​ 更多新春特別企劃請看👉🏻 ※ Please click “cc“ to choose your subtitle language, which is on the “Settings“ at the bottom right corner of the video (If the computer used). Compared with previous years, this New Year’s Eve dinner is simpler. A roasted whole lamb, a pot of lamb soup, and a bowl of orange juice ice powder. Although simple, but also full of ritual. In the new year, I wish everyone’s every meal in every season, is always warm and fun. 與往年相比 今年的的年夜飯要簡單一些 一隻烤全羊,一鍋羊雜湯 一碗橙汁冰粉,雖然簡單,但也充滿了
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