Ihanktonwan Dakota Oyate: The Yankton Dakota Sioux People - South Dakota, USA
This is a video for: “Ihanktonwan Dakota Oyate“, The Yankton Dakota Sioux People, from South Dakota, USA. There are also videos in this channel for many more North, South & Central American Tribes & First Nations, Residential Schools, Chiefs, Elders, Historical Events, Indigenous Concerns, Quotes, Environmental Youth Activists.. and much more.
“The Yankton Sioux People“ are a federally recognized tribe of Yankton Western Dakota people, located in South Dakota. Their Dakota name is “Ihanktonwan Dakota Oyate’, meaning: “People of the End Village“. Historically, the tribe are known for being the protectors of the Sacred Pipestone Quarry for the Oceti Sakowin (Dakota/Sioux) Peoples. For about “eleven and a half million acres“, a payment of approximately $1.6 million in “annuities“ was “supposed to be“ paid, over the next 50 years. This provided (to the public majority) a strange kind of “excuse/reason“, that would hide the true intended “purpose“ for the construction of the Indian school, which was “to destroy their traditions & culture“. The treaty stipulated, that the tribe “relocate“ to a 475,000-acre reservation on the north side of the Missouri River, in what is now, Charles Mix County. On July 10th 1859, the Yankton Sioux People vacated the ceded lands and moved onto the newly created reservation. After moving to the reservation, there are three cessations on record: cessation 410, cessation 411 and cessation 412, “all reducing the size of the reservation“.
The Yankton Sioux Tribe
(P.O. Box 1153), Wagner,
South Dakota, USA
I claim no ownership of any of the clips, video and music expressed in this employ my borrowing of them with much respect and thanks. Credits are also given at the end of the videos, as well as below. ****No personal monetization is being done with this video by me, nor am I receiving any other benefits from any of these videos.**** They are meant for all, to heal, teach, discuss, inspire and inform and share. No theft and/or disrespect is intended. I post all of these videos, with love and respect.
**** I am also “not“ part and/or, a member of “any other social media sites: (i.e.: FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, etc.. etc.. etc..) and since I have seen my own videos from You-Tube posted on other sites, by people who are representing themselves with the name “Jaguar Bird“.. and the fact, that I am often under a siege of disrespectful hackers.. (and the sad fact, that some people enjoy “pretending“ to be others than themselves, on the Internet).. I wanted to warn anyone contacting a person who is going by the name “Jaguar Bird“, that “it is NOT me“.. and if this person(s) is claiming to be me, I ask that you please contact the Administration personelle of that site.. and make them aware, that a fraud is being committed. Thank you, Miigwetch! ..for helping to stop someone else from being deceived and/or, wronged.****
Many Thanks & Much Respect To: The Yankton Dakota Sioux People..; ..; ..; ..; David Korth, Pierre Merrick, Calvin Harlan & Ashtyn Marr..; Joseph Shields Sr., Duane Shields, Asa Primeaux & Francis Primeaux..; YANKTON SIOUX SINGERS..; MOUNTAIN SIOUX SINGERS..; CALVIN STANDING BEAR..; PORCUPINE SINGERS..; MAKA SAPA SINGERS.. and to all the other brothers and sisters who have contributed to this video with photos and/or, in any other way.
Chi Miigwetch!.. Many Blessings & Thanks..!
*Set video to 720p, for best viewing.
12 months ago 00:42:17 18
Ihanktonwan Dakota Oyate: The Yankton Dakota Sioux People - South Dakota, USA