Falcon Sails has upgraded their kayak sail forestay and downhaul system.

We have upgraded our kayak sail forestay and downhaul systems. Even though our competition is far behind us, we still strive to advance and make our rigs even better. Our new forestay and downhual system makes our rigs easier to rig, more solid, more efficient and easier to handle. Here are the specific advantages of this upgrade. 1. The forestay line is shorter whith makes for less stretch and a more solid rig. This is great for big wind conditions. 2 The downhaul force can be adjusted indpendently of the forestay. 3 The downhaul pulls the sail aft to spread the sail out a bit more for a better airfoil shape and effectively increasing the area of the sail. 4 The boom and sail are better integrated which gives the sail a much greater tendency to be properly aligned to the wind for maxiumum propulsion. This will automatically address some sail trim issues. 5 It is easier to release the sail for even faster sail changes. You can change from one size sail to another very quickly. 6 The sail
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