Jenny Boyd! Stories of the sixties!

#1960s #beatles #boyd #1298 Guest: Jenny Boyd | Coffee Talk ADIKA Live! Bio: Jenny Boyd’s extraordinary life is the stuff of movies and novels, a story of incredible people and places experienced at a pivotal time in the 20th century. Jenny has spent her life in the company of some of the greatest musical and cultural influencers of the last 50 years – and the journey she takes to finding her own sense of self and creative ability makes Jennifer Juniper a truly captivating and inspiring story. Order The Book Recorded live with our Patreon audience Date: 4/14/21 ********************************************************************** *************************************************** * The New Website ➜ Merchandise ➜ The Ultimate VIP ALL ACCESS BACKSTAGE PASS Full episodes can be seen in Patreon! Get exclusive content and entry into the vinyl games on Patreon: ➜ Your Donation Helps Support your Favorite Show & Channel ➜ AMAZON WISHLIST ➜ CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE ➜ Artists on Record | ADIKA Live The Podcast Apple ➜ Spotify ➜ iHeartRadio ➜ *Follow ADIKA Live on Tik Tok : ➜ ADIKA Live on Twitter ➜ Thank you for your support! Coffee Talk Adika Theme- Marc Danzeisen ➜ _____________________________________________ Artists On Record: ➜ Theme Song - Mark Slaughter Website: ➜
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