Anomalous v0.9 changelist
Character updates
Stub characters have textures updated and improved model
Flyer enemies replaced with a new type of character. The sentry robot.
Map updates
The first set of map updates is live. The levels have received updates to everything from layout, design, enemy placement and item placement. Initially, the plan was to create more levels and introduce episodic content but over time I have ended up rather just improving existing levels. There are also more destructible objects in general.
-Refinery (Level 1) overhauled. Layout and design vastly improved.
-Forest (Level 2) overhauled. Layout and design vastly improved.
-Rocket Fuel (Level 3) overhauled. Layout and design vastly improved.
-Kosolov (Level 4) overhauled. Layout and design vastly improved.
-Prison(Level 8) minor updates and visual improvements
-Collider (Level10) minor improvements and end elevator replaced with jump pad.
-Hangar (Level 11) grapple nodes removed.
-Central (Level 12) grapple nodes removed entirely. No more annoying environment challenges.
Gameplay updates
-The scale of the game has been adjusted slightly to make it feel more impactful and less “floaty”.
-Enemy size has been adjusted due to them feeling smaller than the environment.
-Also player speed has been decreased (crazy for a retro-FPS game right?!?!).
-There is some air resistance applied to the player when jumping , player feedback was that it was hard to control direction when in the air.
-Air control decreased by 25% (from 1.0 to ) This will allow for a more natural air resistance instead of ‘slippery’ feel when jumping
-Player run speed decreased from 1500 to 1300
-Weapon sway decreased by 75%
-Dying screen has been improved. Instead of an instant kill screen which players might accidentally press restart it has a slight delay.
-Weapon bobbing animation improved
-Enemy character size revised. Some enemies are 10-20% bigger to balance the overall scale of the game
-Spawning enemies now have a sound effect
-Size of breakable objects revised.
Max rockets increased to 45
Minor updates
-Many particle effects have been revised such as destruction particle effects and enemy spawning FX
-More sound fx added to breaking objects
-More breakable objects added
-Player weapons are affected by SFX volume settings now
-Developer menu setting shown in game options. This will allow a dev menu accessible from the root menu.
Price updates
-Price has increased from $ to $ ( 15%)