LUMINA GI - Real time global illumination in Unity - New DX11 mode

LUMINA GI - Real time global illumination in Unity - New DX11 mode. Previously the asset worked only on DX12 and Vulkan, due to some issues with one of the shaders in DX11, which is now resolved. The two changes needed (replace the while loop with a for loop with 3 or 4 iterations) and the four shaders that need the two changes are shown below, for reference. Another note on the latest Temporal AA, in some edge cases when changing pipelines may create an issue where the camera seems like zoomed in and not showing the scene geometry due to not resetting of the camera jitter matrices, as shown in the start of the video, to fix this put the camera in Orthographic mode and then back to perspective to reset the camera matrices and save the scene. Also the issue is fixed if the Temporal AA is used in the camera, as shown in the video when the LUMINA pipeline is used. The processes of the above are shown in the start of the vi
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