Director Cinematographer: Ben Ruffell I Directed this Documentary Film in Japan in 2012, where I was invited to be an Artist in Residence. This was an incredible shoot. Very physical, it was hot and humid and there were many challenges. I travelled to Yamagata Provence in Northern Japan. It was an amazing place. Very spiritual, and I did not see another westerner for a week. My crew consisted of Mile Nagaoka from Green Valley and Camera / Sound Assistant Taigo Kawaguchi. We communicated in pigeon English. We were here to film the Yamabushi training. Essentially, this involved us taking part in the training, as well as making the film. Fumihiro Hoshino is a 13th generation Yamabushi, someone who guides people on Shugyo ascetic training in Japan. He was the Master, and I decided to structure the film around him. It was very challenging interviewing him in loosely translated Japanese, but after spending several days with the group - I was confident that I understood
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