Спортсмены завершают карьеру 2021/2022

The final weekend of BMW IBU World Cup in Oslo-Holmenkollen marked the end of the career of a number of athletes. To celebrate their decision to move on to the next chapter of their lives, Clare Egan, member of the Athletes’ Committee, thought about a final lap of honour to wave goodbye to all of them in the true biathlon family spirit. Thank you for all the memories Anais Bescond, Susan Dunklee, Sari Maeda, Asuka Hachisuka, Amanda Lightfoot, Selina Gasparin, Clare Egan, Maren Hammerschmidt, Eva Puskarcikova, Dominik Windisch, Klemen Bauer, Simon Desthieux, Benjamin Weger, Kalev Ermits, Leif Nordgren, Scott Gow, Tsukasa Kobonoki, Kosuke Ozaki and Erik Lesser.
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