Whitest Cities in the United States

Whitest Cities in the United States Have you ever wanted to know what the whitest cities in the US are? Today you are going to find out. 2 weeks ago we did the whites states in the US followed a few days later with the blackest states. I’m going to kinda give you the same intro I did for those A few months ago I caved to public pressure. I usually avoid race-related videos but I had many requests. People pointed out it isn’t just racists that want to know the demographic of a location, people of different races like to know where to live so they can be near their type of restaurants, stores, and events. To me that made sense and a few months back I did a video on the most Asian states and then we did the Hispanic States. Today we do the Whitest cities in the US and in a week or so we will do the blackest cities. Now when I say white, I mean what the US census considered “only white” there are other categories that include Hispanic white like Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans. and Cuban Am
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