Title: DINAH’s FAN-DANGO copyright Teresa Hunt PRS/MCPS
Band: JAM TODAY 3 LIVE at the LYCEUM in London 26/9/1982
TERRY HUNT (Guitar, Composition)
Hiding in the duvet, I’m thinking of a new way
Exploring the potential of all things Continental
Some subtle and melodically changing piece
Appeals to my stubborn soul
“A victim of self-inflicted Rock and Roll music“
I like to think I’m truly diversified, “Unclassifiable“
Undeniably different -- but enjoyable - pausing for a sip of tea
Then responding urgently, to calls from my anatomy...
I wake up in the morning want to make up. ...a Samba! Sort of ’salsa’.
“There’s nothing new in that!“ They tell me “It won’t sell!“
But I don’t give a damn about Them.
Take a funky rhythm, a jazzy chord or two “It won’t do,
You’re so out of touch..“, but I like it so much -- its tropical
“It’s un-topical..“ And I’m rebelling again
Ai, Ai, Ai... I don’t get too tanned on Hampstead Heath
Or feel hot sand between my toes
There’s a certain chill in the air and a sneezy feeling up my nose..
Therefore, I wish to reflect on good icecream and long cool drinks
Autumn is coming to Kentish Town
My mind flies south as the leaves begin to turn brown