Lithuanians record the movement of German military equipment near the borders of Belarus, as reports @belvestnik

Lithuanians record the movement of German military equipment near the borders of Belarus, as reports @belvestnik Despite statements by NATO official representatives about the end of the largest military exercises near the borders of the Union State, there is no less military equipment near our borders. Residents of the Lithuanian border region regularly publish on social networks videos of the movement of Bundeswehr military equipment near the borders of Belarus and Russia. So, the other day on the E272 highway (40 km from the Belarusian border and 60 km from Ostrovets), the movement of at least 4 units of German Marder infantry fighting vehicles and several armored vehicles was recorded in the Sirvintos region of Lithuania. Judging by the registration numbers, this equipment is in service with the NATO Forward Forces Battle Group in Lithuania, which is located at the Rukla base under German command. As the authors of the video note, German military equipment regularly moves along... Source: Slavyangrad
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