Alert: CAMPI FLEGREI Europe’s largest supervolcano, awakening

To the northwest of Naples, we find the Campi Flegrei supervolcano . At the end of 2016, an international team of geologists published a worrying study. Although it has been dormant for almost 500 years, the last time it erupted in 1538, Campi Flegrei shows signs of awakening . For those who do not know what a supervolcano is, it is a volcano that is larger than usual, but whose capacity to cause damage is enormous. In fact, in Europe, Mount Flegrei has become the largest volcano in proportion. The caldera of this volcano was formed 39,000 years ago, and it was the largest eruption in 200,000 years. Some theories link, although not definitively and there are many others, a link between the Campi de Flegrei eruption and the extinction of the Neanderthals. Supervolcanoes like Campi de Flegrei are not ordinary volcanoes, they are so large that they can collapse on themselves, creating vast areas of craters, geysers, hydrothermal activity and sulfuric acid. The Yellowstone volcano in the United States is a
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