Paul Desire Trouillebert: A collection of 87 paintings (HD)

LearnFromMasters Needs Your Support: (EXCLUSIVE CONTENT) --- Paul Désiré Trouillebert: A collection of 87 paintings (HD) Description: “Paul Désiré Trouillebert (born 1829 in Paris, France - died June 28, 1900 in Paris, France) was a famous French Barbizon School painter in the mid-nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries. Trouillebert is considered a portrait, and a genre and landscape painter from the French Barbizon School. He was a student of Ernest Hébert (1817–1908) and Charles Jalabert (1819–1901), and made his debut at the Salon of 1865, exhibiting a portrait. He produced many landscapes that are very close to Corot’s late manner of painting. At the Paris Salon of 1869, Mr. Trouillebert exhibited “Au bois Rossignolet”, which was a lyrical Fontainebleau landscape that received great critical acclaim. He was also interested in orientalism and prod
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