Arnold Mindell: Author, Teacher, Psychologist, Dreamer -- PART 1: Why the Rain Falls Down
Part 1: Why the Rain Falls Down
This lively and informal interview with Arny Mindell was filmed in December 2021. It is a broad discussion of his life and work creating “Process-oriented Psychology”. Arny’s interview with Cathy Bernatt was filmed by Jerry Grant with love and support from Amy Mindell. The other 3 parts of this film will be uploaded soon. (Please note that a separate film about Amy and Arny’s relationship will be uploaded in the near future.)
In Part 1, “Why the Rain Falls Down“, we learn about Arny’s dynamic arrival on earth and the profound influences that WWII had on his upbringing and development. He shares his earliest childhood dream, what sourced the development of the Dreambody, his deep love of nature, and what drew him to study both physics and psychology.
Below is a breakdown of topics with time codes. If you click on a time-code, it will take you to that section of the video:
01:30 Can we start at the beginning? How did you arrive here on earth, Arny?
02:47 If you look back now…how old are you today?
03:06 When you look back now, to that moment, when you did the big kick and came out, how do you think helped create the blueprint of your life?
04:01 What do you remember about being really, really little? What do you remember about that?
04:18 How about your Mama? Can you say a little bit about your Mama and Papa?
07:14 What kind of spiritual upbringing or religious upbringing did you have?
08:30 Do you have any brothers or sisters?
15:35 Say more about the process that you went through, from that moment as a young boy almost being killed and being scolded by your teacher, to coming to the place where you can now say that you love them. What’s the journey to that place?
20:32 I’m very curious to know more about little Arny, other experiences little Arny had as he was growing up other things, like other memories that you have…
21:13 What about the rain falling down?
24:00 What did you do for fun, as a kid?
26:41 Did you have a best friend when you were growing up?
28:24 How about your earliest childhood dream?
30:36 What interested you in becoming (student body) president?
33:03 Do you remember a moment when you realized that you follow nature? Like: was there some experience that happened that kind of was the seed of that?
36:59 How did you discover skiing and what do you love about it?
38:04 How do you feel when you are in the mountains?
40:21 How did you come to not just think about that, or experience that, but then you developed that into Process-oriented Psychology and into Processwork.
42:15 From your ailments you had at 29, 28 or 29. What was the research that you began to do on yourself that was the beginnings of the dreambody?
43:51 How did you get there? How did you get to Switzerland and start being interested in Jungian analysis?
44:55 How did you get interested from being at MIT and studying physics…to being interested in dreams?
45:32 What do you love about Physics?
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