Regno Maggiore – Dal Cielo

Taken from Regno Maggiore debut album Esasummà, out via Gang of Ducks Read: Order: Regno Maggiore is the debut album of Davide Meucci, Turin based artist, who released his first record Astroveliero on Gang of Ducks in 2019. Esasummà is an intimate tale of the artist’s life, who used the creation of this record as a tool to implement the shamanic Recapitulation technique. This technique was developed to remove the effects of the accumulation of memories related to our personal life and heritage into our physical and spiritual body, in order to allow a rebirth of life. It has been produced with an instinctive matrix, recording with diy instruments, sounds and voices and without a fixed creative planning. The album ended up with 13 tracks that smoothly run through one another, shaping a surreal world that’s hard to place within a definite time or space, but which surely leaves you wanting to understand more. In the w
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