Adi Shakti Meditation
Radical Devotion live at Northern Light Yoga, Oslo.
Sit in easy pose or in a chair with a straight spine. Place your hands i front of the heart center with the arms parallel to the floor. Both palms face down with the left palm 2-3 inches above the right hand. Focus your eyes open or closed as you wish. Chant the mantra
Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Namo Namo
Sarab Shakti, Sarab Shakti, Sarab Shakti, Namo Namo
Pritham Bhagvati, Pritham Bhagvati, Pritham Bhagvati, Namo Namo
Kundalini Mata Shakti, Mata Shakti, Namo Namo
I bow to (or call on) the primal power.
I bow to (or call on) the all encompassing power and energy.
I bow to (or call on) that through which God creates.
I bow to (or call on) the creative power of the Kundalini, the Divine Mother Power.
This devotional mantra (a Bhakti mantra) invokes the primary Creative Power which is manifest as the feminine. It calls upon the Mother Power. It will help you to b
1 view
4 months ago 01:02:51 1
Uno de los mantras más hermosos| Muy Poderoso | Shakti Om | Protección y Curación | 1 hora 🙏🌹❣
5 months ago 00:34:47 1
Adi Shakti - Ajeet Kaur Snatam Kaur Nirinjan Kaur Maa Shakti Kaur
5 months ago 00:12:37 1
Мощная мантра женской силы, здоровья, процветания и исполнения желаний - мантра Ади Шакти