1990 0923 Today we really worship the Adi Shakti

Navaratri Day 10 Dusshera, the victory “So today we are really going to worship the Adi Shakti. On one side the Adi Shakti is Mahakali, on the other side She is Mahasaraswati, in the centre, She is Mahalakshmi, and also She is the Amba, the one who is the Kundalini. But She’s also beyond that. She’s Parashakti, She’s beyond all the powers because She is the generator of power, so She has to be beyond all that. So today when we are worshipping Her, we have to worship Her in all these forms.” Excerpt from a talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Place and Date: Arzier (Switzerland) 1993 _______________________ According to the calendar, this year there are ten days of Navaratri, not of nine. Nine are the days, in the night, when the Goddess had to fight the demons and to save Her children from the effects of negativity. On one side She was ocean of love and compassion, and on the other side She was protecting them like a tigress; because the times were such that nobody could meditate, nobody could take the name of God, nobody could think even of Self-Realisation. But those who are sitting here today, you have been there also in those days, and you were all saved for today, for this day, so that you can achieve your Self-Realisation. The form of the Goddess in those days was not maya swarupi. She was in Her real form and that created a great awe, even among the disciples. So the question of giving them Self-Realisation was not there. First of all they were to be saved. So, like nine months the mother has to keep the child in her womb, for these nine months or you can say nine yugas, nine times, you all have been saved properly, and on the tenth month you are given your birth. Also this birth is always after seven days of nine months. So we had to wait for some time till it matures. Now the tenth Navaratri today is to celebrate actually the Adi Shakti. So today we are really going to worship the Adi Shakti. On one side the Adi Shakti is Mahakali, on the other side She is Mahasaraswati, in the centreShe is Mahalakshmi, and also She is the Amba, the one who is the Kundalini. But She’s also beyond that. She’s Parashakti, She’s beyond all the powers because She is the generator of power, so She has to be beyond all that. So today when we are worshipping Her, we have to worship Her in all these forms. So you understand that the tenth day that we are having Navaratri for the first time in the calendar, is because today is the day when we are worshipping Adi Shakti. [...] Now the description yesterday as you read of the Goddess, that Her hands were throwing all the arrows with such a speed that as if one felt that She was dancing. Is a fact, no doubt, but you don’t see that. You cannot see that every hair of Mine is like an arrow, and it works so tremendously. But to you I am just sitting here quietly, just like you as you are sitting. But it’s not so; it’s something much more. [...] In the same way you are evolved, and in you are these, all these vahanas also there. And they work out very quickly all that you want. You desire something; you’ll be surprised, immediately you’ll find it works out. You ask for something, immediately it works out. But there should be a complete dedication in Sahaja Yoga. When I say Sahaja Yog, you know that is the yoga of your attention with My Feet – that’s what it is. [...] So today we are talking about Shakti, about the power of the Goddess, which are much more to be discovered and too intricate, very well-balanced and extremely efficient. [...] So all the demons were killed. They are again back in their own seats. The worst thing is, they have entered into the heads of the seekers, because they have come as gurus now. They have come as Catholic Church, as Protestant Church, as all kinds of temples and all kinds of fundamentalist, and all that. Or they look like rakshasas also, if you look at them. And when they influence you, they go into your heads. But after coming to Sahaja Yoga even those heads are cleansed and you are all right, out of it. [...] So My idea was that today it’s not only the worship of the kumbha where the Kundalini resides, but the kumbha becomes like a flower-pot. It’s like that, that has happened. And then it can also, as somebody said that “Mother, these flower-pots also can become table lamps.” So I said, “See, now, you have said it!” So the kumbha becoming flowers, and flowers becoming light, and the lights with fragrance. I hope you’ll understand My vision and you’ll stand by Me, and you’ll come up to that. I depend on you entirely for My vision. We have to change this whole world into a beautiful place, and for that not much sacrifice is needed. You’re already blessed, you don’t have to do much; only thing is keep your attention on the source of power. May God bless you. Thank you. Matthias says, “We promise.” Will you all say that? …. Thank you very much.
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