Matcha Azuki Yogurt Popsicles (RECIPE) 抹茶小豆アイスキャンディーを作りました

Healthy, easy to make and delicious, try this refreshing treat for a unique taste treat. Subscribe for more videos! Need Japanese ingredients for your next dish? Want to know what products we use on our videos? Click on this link to check out our shop on Amazon! INGREDIENTS (Makes 4 small popsicles) 1 cup greek yogurt 1/2 cup cooked and sweetened azuki beans 2 tablespoons matcha 4 tablespoons sugar or sweetener of choice DIRECTIONS: Divide yogurt into two bowls. Add azuki beans in the first batch of yogurt. Add a tablespoon of sweetener but adjust to your preference. Mix well. Add matcha and 3 tablespoons sweetener to the other batch of yogurt and mix. Pour matcha yogurt into popsicle molds. Then pour in the azuki yogurt inside. Stick your popsicle sticks inside and freeze for at least 6 hours or overnight. Enjoy! MORE SWEETS AND DESSERTS LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on
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