Labyrinth Ballroom Scene - full song

This is an extended version of the Labyrinth ballroom scene. It contains the studio music track mixed into the original movie audio. My focus was mainly on the video content. In order to enhance the fantasy theme of the ballroom sequence, I smoothed out the skin tones and increased the blue shades to provide a much cooler, more dream-like quality to the scene. I also sharpened the highlights (most notably in Bowie’s hair and costume) because the film seemed a little flat. (Perhaps the Blu-ray version has better color tones to work with.) I arranged the lead-in sequence to begin with Sarah after she has taken a bite, and then standing as if looking in the direction of Jareth’s castle. I also flopped the direction of the floating bubbles so that the movement of the scene would match the direction of the bubble Sarah was trapped in as she drifted away. The studio track plays beyond the “shattered bubble“ scene, allowing the video to play to a better conclusion rat
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