How people live in Uzbek Village? Favorite food of Uzbeks.

Uzbek villages are diverse and can vary greatly in terms of lifestyle and living conditions. However, in general, many Uzbek villages have a strong sense of community and tradition. People often live in family units and engage in farming and agriculture as their primary means of livelihood. Houses in Uzbek villages are typically made of adobe or mud bricks, and often have courtyards with gardens and fruit trees. Many homes also have traditional clay ovens for cooking bread and other dishes. In terms of daily life, Uzbek villagers typically wake up early to tend to their farms and livestock. Meals are often simple and consist of bread, tea, and vegetables. Traditional Uzbek cuisine includes dishes such as plov (rice pilaf), shashlik (grilled meat), and lagman (noodle soup). Social gatherings and events such as weddings and holidays are also an important part of village life. Music and dance are often featured at these events, and traditional clothing is worn. Overall, while Uzbek village life can b
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