Mamure Kalesi Tarihe Yolculuk - Anamur/Mersin Mamure Castle, the historic journey

ISBN: 978-605-88104-0-2 Mamure Kalesi Tarihe Yolculuk - Anamur/Mersin Öz Antalya Tur Gap Turunda Tarihi Yerler Gezilir 0242 2449707 - 0242 2475511 - 0535 6788171 - 0532 6168975 Çekim ve Yayın: Mehmet SÖKMEN - 0532 5258493 - ISBN: 978-605-88104-0-2 Mamure Castle, the historic journey - Anamur / Mersin Self-Antalya Tour Gap Tours Tour VISIT 242 2449707 - 0242 2475511 - 0535 6788171 - 0532 6168975 Capture and Br
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