This Bassam Yousef Speech Sets India On Fire (Watch Before It’s Deleted)
This Bassam Yousef Speech Sets India On Fire (Watch Before its Deleted)
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...The speech resonated deeply with many, leading to speculation that the BJP party in India may have secretly sought to suppress the video due to its perceived anti-western stance and commentary on domestic issues. Throughout his address, Yousef skillfully blended comedy with poignant criticism, directing his ire at those who exploit novel justifications to perpetuate human suffering.
His critique particularly targeted nations like the United States, which have employed subtle tactics to invade and destabilize unfriendly countries in the Middle East. He cited the destruction of Iraq under false pretenses, emphasizing the ongoing struggle the nation faces in rebuilding after being decimated by fabricated claims of nuclear weapons possession.
Yousef also condemned Western exceptionalism’s impact on Libya, once a thriving Arab country now plagued by lawlessness and reports of open-air slavery. He highlighted these as failed experiments from which the world should learn to prevent similar tragedies, such as the ongoing conflict in Palestine...
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