Nice - Cote d’Azur

Nice is a city in southern France located on the Mediterranean coast. The city is nicknamed Nice la Belle (Nissa la Bella in Niçard), which means The Beautiful Nice. It is the capital of the French Riviera (Côte d’Azur) with 347,060 inhabitants (2006), making it the 5th largest city of France. The metropolitan area is also the 5th largest with 940,018 inhabitants (2006). The area of todays Nice is believed to be among the oldest human settlements in the world. One of the archaeological sites, Terra Amata, displays evidence of a very early usage of fire. Around 350 BC, Greeks of Marseille founded a permanent settlement and called it Nikaia, after Nike, the goddess of victory. Throughout the ages the town changed hands many times. Its strategic location and port significantly contributed to its maritime strength. For years, it was an Italian dominion, then became part of France in 1860. Culturally and architecturally enriched over time, today Nice has become a truly cosm
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