SLAMMEDENUFF CHICAGO 2023 | WiseEye Media [4K]

This is my first ever proper after movie and I am more than impressed with how it turned out. I can’t believe this is even my video. To me, this feels and looks, and sounds like something some big names would produce. I met probably 10 new friends from these 3 days alone. Thank you Doug for wanting to be a part of this after movie and giving me the opportunity to create something so incredible. Same for you Robert, I am still new in the videography scene and don’t have much content to judge off so thank you both for taking time out of your day to let a small creator grow and progress and sharpen his skills. Aidan, I’m sure it feels very cool to FINALLY see YOUR own car on the other side of the camera, being so used to being the one who is always filming. It’s awesome to see you have a car you love and enjoy and can finally make your own
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